[ONLINE] Fundamentals of Grid'5000 (For beginners)



Richard Randriatoamanana (LS2N / CNRS)

===== New date released! =====


Grid'5000 is a large-scale and flexible testbed research infrastructure for experiment-driven research studies in all areas of computer science, with a focus on parallel and distributed computing including Cloud, HPC and Big Data and AI.

This infrastructure consists of around 1000 machines spread over 11 sites, interconnected by a dedicated 10 Gbit/s network which can be isolated from the Internet for experiments. It allows research teams to configure a network with specific characteristics and to deploy a specific software stack on any or all of the nodes for the duration of an experiment. Reserving bare nodes (bare-metal), Grid'5000 users can deploy any operating system on a wide variety of nodes.


General Information

  • Objectives : discover and play with Grid'5000 resources.
  • Target Audience : students and researchers who have no (or very little) previous experience of Grid'5000
  • Learning outcomes : ability to start and manage Grid'5000 resources on the platform
  • Venue : At this point, the event will run for an on-site session at Ecole Centrale de Nantes, Building S. The room number, useful links and instructions for the session will be sent via email.


  • You should have basic familiarity with using a Linux command shell, and the lesson text will at times request that you “open a shell window”, with an assumption that you know what this means.
  • Under Linux or macOS it is assumed that you will access a bash shell (usually the default), using your Terminal application.
  • Under Windows, Powershell and Git Bash should allow you to use the Unix instructions.
  • The lessons will sometimes request that you use a text editor to create or edit files in particular directories. It is assumed that you either have an editor that you know how to use that runs within the working directory of your shell window (e.g. nano), or that if you use a graphical editor, that you can use it to read and write files into the working directory of your shell.

Basic technical requirements

Participants must bring a laptop with a Mac, Linux, or Windows operating system (not a tablet, Chromebook, etc.) that they have administrative privileges on and an internet connection configured.

Timetable and event are subject to change with current health regulations and unprevisted situation.
You must follow the most restrictive guidance and be prepared to change on short order.

Join the class here on Zoom

    • 1
      Introduction of Grid'5000
      Orateur: Prof. Adrien LEBRE (LS2N / INRIA / STACK)
    • 2
      Inside Grid'5000
      Orateur: Dr Remous Aris KOUTSIAMANIS (LS2N / IMT /STACK)
    • 3
      Fundamentals Part 1
      - Getting help from User Support - Knowing your tools and environment - Connecting for the first time - Discovering, Visualizing and Reserving resources
      Orateur: Richard Randriatoamanana (LS2N / Research Support Team)
    • 10:35
      Break Coffee
    • 4
      Fundamentals Part 2
      - Using nodes in the default environment - Deploying your nodes and create your own experimental environment - Bonus (Using Grid'5000 API, VPN, Container)
      Orateur: Richard Randriatoamanana (LS2N / Research Support Team)
    • 5
      Feedback - Q&A