Oct 28 – 30, 2024
Europe/Paris timezone

Contribution List

21 / 21
10/28/24, 9:45 AM
François Pacaud (Mines Paris - PSL)
10/28/24, 10:00 AM
Prof. ThomasJacob Riis Stidsen (Technical University of Denmark)
10/28/24, 2:00 PM
Antonin Bavoil (Université Côte d'Azur, CNRS, Inria, LJAD, McTAO)
10/29/24, 12:00 PM

Using kites to collect wind power and generate energy has been intensively studied in the last decade, see e.g. the survey by M. Diehl et al. in [1]. In the framework of the KEEP (Kite Electrical Energy Power) funded by CNRS and gathering researchers from ENSTA Bretagne (well acquainted with the topic after previous studies on kites [2], most notably for...