Francesco Zappa-Nardelli
(Research Scientist, Meta)
10/06/2022 10:00
Have you ever wondered how Julia dispatches method calls? As an answer, have you been pointed to a mysterious .c file in the source tree understood by at most five people on Earth? Are you afraid of complex type annotations? If yes, do not wonder anymore. This talk will be a friendly walkthrough across the rules that govern subtyping, the relation at the very core of method dispatch.
Romain Veltz
10/06/2022 10:50
A Julia package to perform Bifurcation Analysis of possibly large dimensional equations by taking advantage of iterative methods, sparse formulation and specific hardwares (GPU)
Ludovic Räss
10/06/2022 14:30
Package for writing high-level code for parallel high-performance stencil computations that can be deployed on both GPUs and CPUs
Antoine Levitt
10/06/2022 16:10
The density-functional toolkit, DFTK for short, is a library of Julia routines for playing with plane-wave density-functional theory (DFT) algorithms.