Feb 1 – 2, 2023
Europe/Paris timezone

2nd session - Training Introduction to the use of Cholesky

Audience : CPHT/CMAP/CMLS/LPP/LMS PhD and post-docs

Duration : 8 hours (1 session on 2 afternoons)

Date : February 1 and February 2, 2023 from 1.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

Location: Ecole Polytechnique / Aile 0 / Jean Lascoux conference room

Maximum number of people : 10

Prerequisites :

  • hardware: 1 laptop (Apple Macbook, PC / Linux)
  • knowledge: basic commands of the Unix / Linux terminal

Training program :

  • 1st Half day
  1. Introduction to parallel programming
    • Context
    • Parallel computing architecture
  2. General informations about Cholesky
    • Organization of compute resources
    • Cholesky Project
    • Connection and transfer of file(s)
  3. Software environment
    • Hierarchical modules
    • Conda environment for Python
  4. Compiling and running jobs
    • Compilation principle
    • SLURM scheduler
    • Run a job
  • 2nd half day
  1. Introduction to shared memory programming: OpenMP
  2. Introduction to distributed memory programming: MPI

Trainer :

  • A. Canou (CPHT)
  • L. Series (CMAP)
Jean Lascoux