4–7 juil. 2022
Maison de la Simulation
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Toward Speculative Loop Pipelining for High-Level Synthesis

7 juil. 2022, 15:00
Maison de la Simulation

Maison de la Simulation

Maison de la Simulation USR 3441 Bâtiment 565 - Digiteo CEA Saclay 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex


Prof. Steven Derrien (IRISA, Université de Rennes 1)


Loop pipelining (LP) is a key optimization in modern high-level synthesis (HLS) tools for synthesizing efficient hardware datapaths. Existing techniques for automatic LP are limited by static analysis that cannot precisely analyze loops with data-dependent control flow and/or memory accesses. We propose a technique for speculative LP that handles both control-flow and memory speculations in a unified manner. Our approach is entirely expressed at the source level, allowing a seamless integration to development flows using HLS. Our evaluation shows significant improvement in throughput over standard loop pipelining techniques.

Auteur principal

Prof. Steven Derrien (IRISA, Université de Rennes 1)

Documents de présentation