Oct 4 – 6, 2023
CNAM Paris
Europe/Paris timezone

Following the success of the JuliaDay organized in Nantes in 2019, we are organizing a second edition of the Julia & Optimization days, scheduled on 4-6 October 2023 in Paris, France.


The workshop will be organized in English. It is open to anyone interested in the application of Julia in optimization and scientific computing. We strongly encourage master students and PhD students to come to present their research works in Julia.


Programme committee:

-   Mathieu Besançon (Zuse Institute Berlin)
-   Vincent Duval (Inria Paris)
-   Xavier Gandibleux (Nantes Université)
-   Vincent Leclère (École des Ponts ParisTech)
-   Antoine Levitt (Laboratoire de Mathématique d'Orsay)
-   Pierre Navaro (Institut de Recherche MAthématique de Rennes)
-   François Pacaud (Mines Paris-PSL)
-   Agnès Plateau (CNAM Paris)

Poster session

A poster session will be organized on Thursday, 5 October, in the
afternoon. It is a good opportunity for participants willing to present
their early works in a more informal setting.

The session is open to junior researchers (master and PhD students) and
to more experienced researchers. Its primary focus is the application of
Julia in optimization and scientific computing.




- CEDRIC CNAM http://cedric.cnam.fr/
- Groupe Calcul http://calcul.math.cnrs.fr/
- Roadef https://www.roadef.org/
- GDR RO http://gdrro.lip6.fr
- Inria https://www.inria.fr/fr
- ENPC https://ecoledesponts.fr/
- Mines Paris https://www.minesparis.psl.eu/

CNAM Paris
Jean-Baptiste Say
292 rue Saint-Martin
Go to map

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