4–6 oct. 2023
CNAM Paris
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

From vOptGeneric.jl to MultiObjectiveAlgorithms.jl

5 oct. 2023, 11:30
Jean-Baptiste Say (CNAM Paris)

Jean-Baptiste Say

CNAM Paris

292 rue Saint-Martin


Gokhan Kof Oscar Dowson Xavier Gandibleux (Université de Nantes)


vOptGeneric.jl is a JuMP extension package for modeling and solving
multi-objective linear optimization problems It was created as part of the
ANR/DFG research project vOpt (2015-2019). Inspired by the lessons learned in
vOptGeneric, we added first-class support for multi-objective optimization
problems to JuMP and MathOptInterface. In addition, we developed a meta-solver,
MultiObjectiveAlgorithms.jl (MOA), which implements a number of algorithms for
solving multi-objective optimization problems. The new features and MOA were
released in February, 2023. In this talk, we discuss vOptGeneric, the transition
to first-class support in JuMP, and our plans for the future.

Auteur principal

Xavier Gandibleux (Université de Nantes)


Gokhan Kof Oscar Dowson

Documents de présentation

Aucun document.