Sep 1 – 5, 2025
Europe/Paris timezone

The general context of this school is the study of Warm Dense Matter generated by high power lasers. This state of matter is defined by temperatures T ~ 0.1 – 100 eV, densities ρ ~ 0.1 – 10 times the solid density, and pressures ≥ Mbar. The macroscopic and microscopic study of this matter concerns a very broad field of physics, ranging from fundamental physics to inertial confinement fusion, as well as planetology and geophysics. The theme of this school is in full expansion thanks to the evolution of laser facilities as well as the development of installations providing X-ray sources well adapted to characterize matter in extreme conditions (e.g. ESRF or EUXFEL).

The scientific objective is giving a detailed presentation of the complex physics involved, thanks to general lessons and also lectures-dedicated to applications (such as amazing breakthrough obtained recently on NIF laser where fusion reaction has yielded more energy than it took to spark it). Courses will be associated to  practical works with the aim to train students and researchers to design a typical high power laser compression experiment, to analyze the data and to initiate them to molecular dynamics calculations. 


  • A. Benuzzi (LULI, France)
  • F. Dorchies (CELIA, France)
  • R. Torchio (ESRF, France)
  • V. Recoules (CEA, France)
  • T. Vinci (LULI, France)

The speakers that already accepted to give lessons are

  • D. Kraus (Rostock University)
  • M. Bethkenhagen (LULI, France)
  • A. Ravasio (LULI, France)
  • A. Denoeud (CEA, France)
  • J. A. Hernandez (ESRF, France)
  • M. Harmand (PIMM, France)
  • S. Le Pape (LULI, France)
  • S. Brygoo (CEA, France)


Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls-sur-Mer
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